The oil sands resource is Alberta’s largest economic asset, with proven reserves over 158.9 billion barrels. While nearly two-thirds of oil sands production used to be upgraded, now only about one-third of oil sands production is upgraded.
Currently, the Bitumen Valuation Methodology (BVM) is economically disadvantaging value-add opportunities for bitumen production, including upgrading. This is because the current BVM overestimates the value of bitumen relative to the actual market pricing. Revising BVM to reflect market value of bitumen is the most important long-term economic strategy the government can implement to enable market-based investment in technologies that add value to Alberta’s resources and diversify Alberta’s economy.
In 2009, Alberta implemented the Bitumen Valuation Methodology (BVM) with the intent of ensuring integrated operators generally received the same market basis for royalty pricing whether they integrate the barrel of bitumen into an upgrader or sell to a third-party. This originated during the 2007 royalty review as a result of the termination of crown agreements with existing operators.
The intent of BVM was to temporarily set a value on bitumen produced by integrated producers that was reflective of market prices, but the formula has led to inconsistent and substantially higher pricing than the market value of bitumen. A permanent replacement for BVM has not been developed.
The Alberta Chambers of Commerce recommends the Government of Alberta:
1. Remove the existing Bitumen Valuation Methodology and design a method that ensures the royalty for bitumen upgraded in Alberta is based on market value, ensuring competitiveness and value for Albertans and restoring investor confidence; and
2. Adopt the target of upgrading at least 50 per cent of Alberta’s bitumen in the province in the next ten years.
If you have any questions, contact Dana Severson at or (780) 425-4180 ext. 2.