
There are a variety of development regions in Alberta that if transformed into Special Economic Zones (SEZ) would create environments conducive to greater business and industry success where there are otherwise great difficulties doing so. 


SEZs (Special Economic Zones) are geographically delineated areas subject to differentiated regulation and administration for the purpose of attracting foreign direct investment in economic activity that may not be otherwise achieved. 

Direct benefits include employment generation, foreign direct investment, government revenue, and export growth. Indirect benefits include skills upgrading, technology transfer & adoption, export diversification, enhancing trade for domestic firms, cluster facilitation, and urban and regional development.

Our Recommendations

  1. Work with various sectors, all levels of government, and stakeholders including Indigenous partners to: 
    1. Identify where additional Special Economic Zones should be considered and implemented; 
    2. Develop studies that evaluate and articulate the assets of each proposed specialized economic zone; and 
    3. Create a provincial Special Economic Zones strategy to incent diversification of Alberta's economy and attract investment through a coordinated approach with all levels of government. 
Download The Policy Brief



If you have any questions, contact Dana Severson at or (780) 425-4180 ext. 2.